How Can We Help You

Community Response has an open-door policy for anyone who feels they require support around their alcohol use or has concerns about their Liver Health.


We have over 30 years of experience providing support, education and advocacy for families and individuals impacted by problem alcohol use, Hepatitis C and addiction in the home.


Our service is Free and Confidential for anyone aged 18 and over in the greater Dublin region.

If you require support for a young person please contact the HSE via the Drugs/Alcohol Helpline on 1800 459 459.


Service Poster

Service Support Offered Who is this for?
Current Problem Alcohol Use
  • Individuals who would like to explore their relationship with alcohol
  • Individuals who are currently drinking
  • Individuals who would like to reduce their alcohol consumption
Alcohol Abstinence, Long Term Recovery
  • Individuals who are abstinent from alcohol and other substances. 


Support for Community Alcohol Detox


  • Individuals looking for information about the process of community alcohol detox
  • GPs looking for psychosocial support for patients who they are in the process of working with around community alcohol detox


Do I have to attend the service?

We would discuss this with you on a case by case basis as certain aspects of our treatment are more effective if delivered in person. 


Is their a cost?

No our is free and confidential. For information about our funders which include the HSE please see here


How can I contact you?

You can get in touch with us by completing our contact form, by phone on 01 454 9772 or via email on 


I am a professional referring a client, do you have a referral form online?

Yes, you can complete our referral form here. Once we receive this form we will make contact with the referee and arrange a suitable time to complete an assessment at our office in Dublin 8.

Please ensure you have obtained their consent before submitting the form and have advised them that we will be making contact.

Better still, give us a call when you are with the client and we can set an appointment up then and there.